Saturday, July 31, 2010

Starting Over

So today I have jumped back into the world of twitter. I find I miss the continuous flow of thoughts that flash across the screen.

I also deleted a bunch of old blog posts and decided I try and be more positive about life rather than being so critical of politics.

You want to know more about me? Well, over the last year or so I'm someone who has been pulled back into the world of God. As a child I went to church often, but as I grew up that stopped, and I've had a good life, but a lot of little coincidences have happened over the last year that has made me a believer once again. Things that cannot be explained any other way except by Godly involvement. I'm finding that religion, is perhaps that "something" that has been missing from my life that I've been searching for.

After 2 failed marriages, I'm a dad to three wonderful girls ranging in age from 21 to 5.

I'm also a production manager in a fast paced but quality conscious chemical manufacturing environment. I love the challenges, which are many, that come my way every day.

Politically I am a conservative. I wouldn't really call myself a republican though. I believe on small government, I believe in the constitution. I don't like the government becoming more and more involved in our daily lives or the wild spending that goes on that drains us all of finances in the form of taxes.

I love humor, and tend to display a dry kind of sarcastic humor. Don't take me too seriously on things.

Although an introvert, I love people. People are interesting. It's fun getting to know them. I love conversation. That's one of the reasons I so enjoy social media, getting to know new interesting people and exchanging thoughts with them.

So...that's a little about me. Hope you enjoyed it.